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body sculpting

W h a t  i s  b o d y  s c u l p t i n g ?

Non-invasive body sculpting or body contouring , also known as nonsurgical fat reduction, are procedures that shape, tighten, tone and destroy fat cells aimed to reduce or remove stubborn pockets of fat without surgery in different areas of the body. These treatments rely on vacuum therapy, and ultrasound + laser technology to break down fat cells, stimulate the muscles, promote lymphatic drainage, improve circulation, eliminate toxins, and improve skin elasticity. Body sculpting is only beneficial when used in combination with a healthy lifestyle, balanced diet and regular exercise.

Sessions are to be completed 1-2 weeks apart. Minimum 4 days in between sessions (except for cryotherapy). 

Each treatment/method will vary from person to person.  

V a c u u m  t h e r a p y
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Vacuum therapy stimulates muscles, break down cellulite and fatty deposits, eliminating toxins, improving lymphatic drainage and taking inches off. Vacuum therapy also helps restore the skin’s natural elasticity to smooth the appearance of wrinkles and “orange-peel” dimpling in the thighs and buttocks. This therapy is painless, safe and highly effective.

  • Pain: 1/10 (You will feel slight pressure)

  • No downtime

u l t r a s o n i c  c a v i t a t i o n
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Ultrasonic cavitation reduces body fat using radio frequencies and low-frequency ultrasonic waves. These waves form bubbles around fat deposits under the skin. The bubbles then burst, breaking the fat deposits into the lymphatic systems where they are drained.

  • Pain: 1/10 (You will experience some pressure on the treated area, warmth, and a "ringing/buzzing" sound from the ultrasound waves)

  • No Downtime

r a d i o  f r e q u e n c y  t h e r a p y 
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Radiofrequency skin tightening increases collagen production and pulls the skin’s elastin fibres closer together, tightening the skin. RF uses a low voltage sine wave and is applied to the skin. When the RF wave action on the skin, the skin collagen fibre is heated, this causes a collagen regeneration process, restoring skin firmness and elasticity.

  • Pain: 0/10 (You will experience some warmth)

  • No Downtime

l a s e r  l i p o l y s i s
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Laser lipolysis uses laser energy delivered through an applicator. The fat cells are heated and disrupted without impacting other types of cells in the skin or other structures. Lipolysis uses lasers to break apart and shrink already broken/liquid fat cells, reducing the volume of fatty tissue. This process is also said to tighten and brighten the skin in the area where the treatment is applied. Clients may find that their skin is smoother and tighter than before the treatment.

  • Pain: 0/10 (You will experience some warmth)

  • No Downtime

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